Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Journal Entry #1

Aah, I can't believe it's already Wednesday night in our second week. Where does all our time go?! I feel like I only just got lost trying to find the radio building (we had a radio building?!) and it's already the start of term proper! I'm pretty excited about the class, everyone seems really friendly and open to discussion, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone has to say. I'm kind of nervous about talking in any group over four or five people, but I think this would be an easy class to speak up in because everyone seems pretty open. I'm also pretty excited about the people in my group! Not to have favourites or anything.. ;)

I'm really horrible about this whole five pm deadline though, so I need to be more on the ball. My only excuse is that as an Arab, I feel obligated to be late to everything but I don't think it'll fly this time! If I'm ever late to anything, anyone reading this (if anyone is) can feel free to just tell me, "Yalla, Yasmine!" which is basically just, "Hurry yourself up!" I can't promise anything, but it could work! Other than that, I think I like the idea of this blog. It's kind of weird thinking people are/may/could be reading things I post on here, especially since the internet isn't exactly a friendly place to put your ideas and opinions out on, but it's so different from my other classes that it hardly feels like classwork and feels more like fun. Let's just see if it stills feel fun once we get into the controversial stuff!

Also, is anyone else a little nervous that our classes are recorded? Haha, now all my silly comments and lame jokes can be caught on camera. I don't know if I want people in Jerusalem knowing I'm as lame as I am! (Granted, we've got some pretty intelligent people in our class, so hopefully everyone's listening to them. Crossing my fingers.)

I guess I'll see everyone tomorrow, bright and early!

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